Steelhead Run when Summer is done! 

The put and take Lake Erie steelhead fishery effort produces a wonderful outcome each fall. This year, the 1,848,600 smolts stocked in 2022 will return from the deep waters of Lake Erie and swim into the tributaries where they were released. Get ready because they are coming!


NY, MI, PA, OH and Ontario fishery employees count the number of steelhead smolts stocked and compile a series of data sets and tables from which you can create estimates of what to expect when the fall run begins. They weigh the number of smolts in a pound and use a formula to convert pounds to smolt numbers stocked. The upcoming 2024-2025 run estimate follows.


New Steelhead Angler? Read this!

Steelhead fishing for beginners

Early season problems and opportunities

Early season advice

The Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission continues to stock brown trout each year. In 2022 – 75,082 and in 2023 – 103,394. The possibility of catching nice browns in the fall increases each year.
