Fishing equipment tips

Learning things the hard way sure makes a lasting impression on most anglers.  I have had my share of mishaps that I now consider to be "lessons."

I have lost most of my fishing equipment at least once.  I actually lost a landing net twice before it was gone for good.  During a December steelhead trip, my Browning spinning rod and Pflueger open-faced spinning reel decided to leave my truck while I was in the blue out-house.   Sometimes your lost equipment gets carried away to a new home. My point, all anglers need to prepare for problems that come our way while we are on a fishing trip.

Tips5Equipment problems are common. A fishing reel often experiences a mechanical failure.  Spring, screw, bail, spool, bearing, drag, and handle, to name a few parts, can fail.   A reel that gets dunked in a creek will sound like a coffee grinder when grit gets into the bearings.  A stream dunked reel in sub-freezing air temperatures becomes a doorstop in minutes.   Line, even new line, gets frayed or twisted.   That fishing rod, without a tip, is useless.  

While you cannot eliminate all equipment failures, it is a good idea to bring along a second outfit just in case, and a spare spool loaded with fresh line to replace that tangled mess.

I buy spinning reels that come with a spare spool, and I usually buy two reels when I find a dependable brand that I like.  That way, I have inter-changeable parts.  

Carrying a rod tip repair kit can save the daywhen the fish are hitting and you don't want to leave the stream to make a trip to the tackle shop.   Repairs are easy when you have glue and extra tips.  

Tips1The teeth of a flopping steelhead, or a hook embedded in your finger that gets ripped out when the fish flips one more time can cause a cut that needs attention.   Carry some Band-Aids. The finger that receives a cut usually is the one that is used most often to tie hooks or replace bait!  That Band-Aid will save the day.

Finally, carry a small square of packing foam so you can use it to hold the jigs when you are changing patterns often.   Don't return them to the fly box wet.  The hooks will rust.  Keep them in the foam until they dry.  I set them on the counter at the motel overnight then back into the fly box the next day.

Tips3When your fishing trip is ending, give away those extra egg sacs, maggots, crawlers or minnows. Do you really what to begin your next day of fishing with those gummy leftover sacs that have been frozen then thawed.  I don't think so.

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Good luck.