
. . . . Not having interest or losing interest because you have experienced something too many times.

The morning bite was HOT. A small area within easy casting distance was holding dozens of fish. My arms were aching from the nonstop action that repeated with every cast. The bait barely had time to reach the bottom before the rod was nearly jolted out of my hands by the steelhead strike.  It was a dream morning. A morning similar to ones that I have experienced many times before, alone and with Regis. I was “on fish” this day and thinking that my egg sac supply would not last until the bite ended.

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As I played another large steelhead, I was frustrated as the powerful fish took line and refused the net. I wanted to end the battle so I could make another cast, and hook another fish.  Why? 

I finally landed that fish, broke down my rod, packed my tackle, surrendered my spot, and made my way to the path leading to the parking lot.   I was that morning totally satisfied and catching another steelhead could not add more value to my experience. 

As I walked along the ridge line and watched other anglers below playing fish, I asked myself the “question”, how many is too many?  

At this point in my fishing life, just one more is no longer the answer.

When you can honestly answer that question as I did, you will never have a bad fishing trip!

If this post creates more questions in your mind, drop a note to jThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Share this FSA Website with others. This information is sponsored by The Green Roof Inn and is shared to make your steelhead trip successful.

Good luck.